PT KALTIM PRIMA COAL (KPC) - Superintendent Customs & Port Administration, Specialist Computer Operation, Specialist Testing and Assessment

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Opportunities exist for a seasoned, high caliber, professional to join the Company with job assignment in Sangatta - East Kalimantan for the positions of :

Superintendent Customs & Port Administration (Code : SCPA)
Qualifications :
  • S1 degree in Accounting or Business with 7 years experience particularly in mining industry.
  • Understand Customs Law and regulations.
  • Knowledge of export import and international trade.
  • Familiar with Masterlist and Customs module.
  • Computer literate.
  • Strong leadership, problem solving and negotiation skill.
  • Having PPJK License.
Specialist Computer Operation - Data Com Network (Code : SCO)
Qualifications :
  • S1 degree in Information Technology based business discipline (Computer or Informatics) from a reputable Indonesian or International University, with 3 years experience at Specialist or Supervisory level in mining or oil and gas Industry.
  • Having skills in networking and telecommunication.
  • Strong Analytical and problem solving.
  • Cisco certification preferred.

Specialist Testing and Assessment (Code : STA)
Qualifications :

  • Have license as a psychologist or graduate from Profession Psychologist Program with 3 years experience in Human Resources.
  • Able to conduct the psycho test and provide the suitable battery test.
  • Good interviewing skill.
  • Computer literacy.

For detail information, please visit our website :

If your background meets these requirements, forward your resume (including details of present position & remuneration, your latest color photograph) no later than October 25, 2008 and indicate of position code to the following address:

Superintendent – Recruitment
PT. Kaltim Prima Coal, PO BOX 620
Balikpapan 76106, Kalimantan Timur
Or e-mail to :

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