Bank Syariah Mandiri Job Vacancies

PT Bank Syariah Mandiri, a subsidiary of Bank Mandiri, the country’s strongest bank in assets, says it booked Rp 418.5 billion in net profits last year, a 43.8 percent increase from the Rp 290.9 billion it earned in 2009.
In a press release issued Tuesday as quoted by, Syariah Mandiri says its operational income was the backbone of its profits. The bank also said it had gained more trust from customers since its third-party fund placement had increased by 49. 9 percent from Rp 19.3 trillion in 2009 to Rp 29 trillion in December last year.
A significant increase was also seen in financing, which rose from Rp 16 trillion in 2009 to Rp 23.9 trillion in December last year.
The figure also helped the bank increase its assets to Rp 32.4 trillion, up 47.4 percent from Rp 22 trillion in 2009.

PT Bank Syariah Mandiri That comes as the bank combines idealism with the business of spiritual values That underlie its operations. Harmony Between the Ideals of business and spiritual values That is the one of the benefits of PT Bank Syariah Mandiri, as an alternative to banking services in Indonesia. We need a proactive person WHO loves working with people or support others to succeed.Bank Syariah Mandiri Cabang Cilacap invites professionals to fill the positions:

Teller (TL)
Account Officer (AO)
Officer Gadai (OG)
Pelaksana Marketing Support (PMS)
Sumber Daya Insani (SDI)
Back Office (BO)
Administrasi Pembiayaan (ADM)


  • Male/ female (maximum 27 years old - fresh graduate)
  • Possesses Bachelor (S1) degree from state/ private University
  • Attractive
  • Preferably not married (TL, BO, ADM, SDI)
  • Sound mind and body
  • Possesses extensive network
  • Able to work individually or in a team
  • Honest, likes hard work and challenges
  • Experienced in banking or other finacial institutions (OG and PMS)
  • Minimum 2 years experience in banking marketing lending (AO)
  • Preferably having good sport and art skills
  • Computer literate

Send you application along with CV, photograph, copy of diploma, contact number and supported documents to:

Bagian Sumber Daya Insani
PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri Cabang Cilacap,
Jl. A. Yani No. 97 Cilacap,
Telp. (0282) 531015.
State the position code on top left of your envelope. No later than July 27, 2011

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