Lowongan Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM)

Permodalan Nasional MadaniPT. Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) was established on June 1, 1999, as state-owned special task effort to empower the Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises and Cooperatives (UMKMK). The task of empowerment is done through the provision of financing services and management services, as part of the implementation of government strategies to promote UMKMK, in particular a contribution to the real sector, in order to support the growth of new entrepreneurs who have business prospects and are able to create jobs.

PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero), or "PNM", was established as the implementation of Decree XVI MPR/1998 and in Government Regulation No.38/1999 dated May 29, 1999, with authorized capital of Rp1, 2 billion and paid up capital of Rp300 billion. A few months later, through the Minister of Finance No. Kep. KMK 487 017 dated 15 October 1999, as the implementation of law No.23 of 1999, PNM was appointed one of the SOE Coordinator for distributing and managing 12 schemes of Credit program.

Currently, we are opening positions as follows.

Loan Officer

* Verification to the field of credit applications
* Reviewing the funding application and provide funding recommendations to the UM 


* Minimum D3, max 35 years
* Preferably have experience of credit / financing in the banking / microfinance / financial institutions
* at least 1 (one) year 
 Mastering the language and local culture
* Mastering MS Office (Word & Excel)
* Preferred has a customer base and motor vehicles (SIM C)

Sales / Marketing Officer

* Finding new customers
* Maintaining good relations with customers
* Develop and manage portfolio financing


* Minimum D3, max 35 years
* Preferred to have experience of sales / marketing in the banking / micro finance institutions / financial institutions of at least 1 (one) year
* Master the language and local culture
* Preferred has a customer base and motor vehicles (SIM C)

Collector Unit

* Perform regular billing to the customer


* D1 minimal education, age maximum 35 years
* Preferred to have experience as a collector in the banking / micro finance institutions / financial institutions at least 1 year
* Have a motorized vehicle (SIM C) 


* Manage disbursement of funding accurately and timely
* Transact deposit receipts


* D1 minimal education, age maximum 30 years
* Mastering MS Office (Word & Excel)


* Perform routine administrative and operational financing


* D3 education, age maximum 32 years
* Mastering MS Office (Word & Excel) 

Unit Manager

* Leading and managing a business unit
* Decide on financing, developing and managing the portfolio of financing


* A maximum of 38 years of age, education S1
* Experienced preferred statistic is 2 (two) years or 3 (three) years as a Loan Officer / Marketing Officer in the banking / micro finance institutions / financial institutions
* Master the language and local culture
* Experienced team lead
* Preferred has a customer base and motor vehicles (SIM C)

For those interested candidates, please apply online at Lowongan PNM
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