Lowongan Kerja BUMN PTPN XI

We invite potential workers are persistent, tenacious, willing to work hard, dare to face challenges, motivated, and have integrity, to join the PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI (Persero), which has a working area of the East Java region, with an educational background as follows:
1. S1 Agriculture majoring in Agronomy (Code : TAN)
2. S1 Mechanical Engineering majoring in Energy Conversion (Code : MES)
3. S1 Electronic Engineering majoring in Power Systems (Code : ELK)
4. S1 Accounting (Code : AKT)
5. S1 Management (Code : MNJ)
All complete application send to :
Tim Rekrutmen & Seleksi 11 R 6
Lembaga Pendidikan Perkebunan - Assessment Center
Jl Urip Sumoharjo 100 Yogyakarta 55222
Not later than September 5, 2011. See detail : Lowongan PTPN XI