Bank ICB Bumiputera Development Program Vacancy

PT Bank ICB Bumiputera has entered the Indonesian Museum of Record (MURI) for introducing the Fun-schooling activity which was launched  together throughout all branches of Bank ICB Bumiputera to commemorate the National Education Day on 2nd May 2010. Mr. Jaya Suprana, the President of Board of Director of MURI handed over the certificate to Ms. Dian A. Soerarso, Vice President of Bank ICB Bumiputera at Menara ICB Bumiputera.

There were two thousand five hundred (2500) students of  Kindergarten and Elementary School including the McDonald Children Club (McKids) took part in the Fun-schooling activity which was introduced for the first time by Bank ICB Bumiputera at national level. The McKids are the members of the Bung HARI Junior-McKids which was set up throughout sixty six (66) branches of Bank ICB Bumiputera and  co-branding with PT McDonald Indonesia.

Bank ICB Bumiputera is the only Bank in Indonesia that routinely organises the Fun-schooling activity since Bank Indonesia launched the “Lets’ Go to Bank” program on 27th January 2008. The aim of this  program was to introduce the concepts of saving and being thrifty from early age. We have arranged for more than one hundred (100) kindergarten and elementary schools with the total number of students up to 5000 including the McKids Club to visit Bank ICB Bumiputera. The children were introduced to the simple concept of banking and also involved in role playing activities to act as teller, customer and customer service officer and learned how to conduct the transaction of funds using fake money. Some schools have permanently included the Fun-schooling activities as the extracurricular subject.

Ms. Dian A. Soerarso, Vice President of Bank ICB Bumiputera was also in the opinion that the Fun-schooling activity could be used as a strategy to attract more customers (both children and parents) of the savings account.

The Fun-schooling activity was also perceived as the implementation of the Corporate Social Responsibility in education. The sixty (66) schools that took part during the national Fun-schooling activity organised by Bank ICB Bumiputera also received some funds to purchase the educational materials for their schools.


Requirements / criteria for applicants are:
Requirements / Special Criteria:

  • Male, age max. 25 years
  • education D3/S1
  • Fresh graduate is possible
  • Preferred graduate of Accounting Management, Development Studies, Industrial Engineering, Business Administration and Business Management
  • Have a grade point average (GPA) of 2.8 Minimum
  • Following the assessment of potential selection

Requirements / General Criteria:

  • Undergoing a bond of 2 years after being declared PASS
  • Domiciled in Jakarta, Bogor, Bandung, Batam, Pekanbaru, Jambi, Tarakan, Denpasar, Samarinda, Balikpapan and Napier

If you have these qualifications, please send your CV and recent photograph by stating on the envelope or the POSITION CODE in your email subject to:

PT. ICB Bank Bumiputera, Tbk.
ICB Bumiputera Tower, 3rd Floor
Jl. Probolinggo, No. 18 - Menteng, Jakarta 10350
Phone: (021) 391 9898 /
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