GarudaFood Job Vacancies

GarudaFood is a food and beverage company subordinated to Tudung Group. In addition to GarudaFood, Tudung Group also subordinates SNS Group (PT Sukses Niaga Sejahtera, operating in distribution and logistic business) and Tudung International (international operation).

GarudaFood Group had originated from PT Tudung, it was established in Pati, Central Java. The company founder is the deceased Darmo Putro, ex-warrior who had chosen to engage in business sector after the independence of Indonesia.

In early of 1987, TPJ started selling its peanut production products using a brand of Kacang Garing Garuda, which was recently known as: Kacang Garuda. Kacang Garuda earned the following awards: Indonesian Customer Satisfaction Award (ICSA) under the category of branded peanut for eight times consecutively (2000-2007); Superbrands (2003); Top Brand for Kids (2004); Indonesian Best Brand Award (IBBA, 2004-2007); Top Brand (2007).

When national economy suffered from economic crisis, on December 1997, PT GarudaFood Jaya (GFJ) was established, producing Gery-branded biscuit. Gery Saluut earned Indonesian Best Brand Award (IBBA) from MARS and SWA Magazine for a period of 2005-2010 under the category of wafer salut. In 2007-2010 Gery Chocolatos earned IBBA under the category of wafer stick.

In 1998 GarudaFood acquired PT Triteguh Manunggal Sejati (TRMS), producer of jelly and launched jelly product using brands of Okky and Keffy. Achievement of Okky jelly has been proven by its successfulness in earning Top Brand for Kids (TBK) Award 2004 under the category of jelly. In addition to TBK, OKKY Jelly also managed to earn IBBA (2005-2010). Okky jelly Drink also earned Top Brand Award 2007-2010 from Marketing Magazine in cooperation with Frontier.

In the end of 2002, TRMS launched jelly beverage products with a brand of Okky Jelly Drink and it also constituted a new phase for GarudaFood to deal with beverages business. Seriousness of GarudaFood in focusing on beverages business had also become apparent by the launching of Mountea, fruit-flavored tea beverage. Mountea had even been awarded by IBBA 2007-2010 under the category of tea beverage in cup packaging.

In the end of 2002, TRMS launched jelly beverage products with a brand of Okky Jelly Drink and it also constituted a new phase for GarudaFood to deal with beverages business. Seriousness of GarudaFood in focusing on beverages business had also become apparent by the launching of Mountea, fruit-flavored tea beverage. Mountea had even been awarded by IBBA 2007-2010 under the category of tea beverage in cup packaging.

GarudaFood also produces Snack with a brand of Leo, for category of Potato chips, banana chips, cassava chips products initiated from the end of 2005. In 2007-2010 Leo earned IBBA award for category of potato chips. 

Now, all potencies supported by 20 thousands knowledge workers have become main asset to GarudaFood in the effort to go forward to meet a success as sustainable enterprise.

Human Values
  • To understand and apply humanitarian values encompassing: Truth, Right Conduct, Love, Non-Violence, and Peace.
  • Not violating religious prohibitions.
  • Sincerity and harmony in thinking, speaking and taking action.
Business Ethics
  • Using the ethical norms prevailing in the community in interaction and management of business environment so that there will finally be "a sustainable mutual benefit".
  • Also paying attention to various problems emerging in Garudafood's business mission although formally this is not their responsibility.
Working Smart in Learning Culture
  • Diligent, persevering, serious and consistent in the work one is involved in.
  • Emphasizing the process of swift, systematic and accurate working.
  • Invariably enhancing the method and quality of working through self-development in a culture of learning continuously nurtured by and along with the company.

Our Achievements
Anugerah Produk Asli Indonesia (APAI)
This award is given to original product from Indonesia conducted by Bisnis Indonesia collaborated with Ministry of Industry. On 2007 Gery won the 2nd winner of APAI. On 2008 Gery won Indonesia’s Original Product in Snack category.

Top Brand Award
Brand is not just an identity but able to create high equity to company, long-term image and loyalty. The strongest brands will be those which are able to maintain themselves in top position for years: (1)Top of market share, (2)Top of mind share, (3)Top of commitment share. Therefore, Marketing Magazine dan Frontier Consulting Group organize Top Brand Award 2007. This award is granted to any brands which are successful to attain top position, not only for a year but also for more than a year. Two brands of GarudaFood succeed to earn two Top Brand awards for category of Branded Peanut and Jelly Drink, namely Kacang Garuda and Okky Jelly Drink.

Career with Us
There are three interrelated elements highly noted in the company to exist and to mutually strengthen, namely employees (right people), system, and facilities. The company views that the "right people" is in principle the main asset of the company who must have competency and also sound attitude which conforms to GarudaFood’s culture. In addition to “right people”, GarudaFood has also a system called GMS (GarudaFood Management System)

Besides considering the development of people and system, GarudaFood also builds a system of compensation and benefit, career path, career planning, and learning program to fill the personal needs of its employees so they become satisfied. These are aimed at achieving the quality of work and quality of life

For this reason, every individual in GarudaFood is expected to become not only a dynamic professional but also to achieve Peace of Mind such as set out in the Company’s Corporate Philosophy, namely Dynamics and Peaceful. 

Leading the Department QA / QC
  • Male or female, max.38 years of age.
  • S1/S2 of Food Technology / Microbiology, GPA 2.75.
  • 3-4 years experience as a Senior Supervisor / Senior Manager
  • Having knowledge in the field: GMP, HACCP, ISO, 5S, Thermal Process, QA / QC.
  • Having leadership soul, Able to speak English, Able to use computer.
  • Willing to be placed in Kletek-Jawa Timur dan Rancaekek-Bandung.

1. Compiling and Running the Risk Management. 2. Collects, analyzing and managing Data entire BU and Develop SHE Report. 3. Develop guidance / SOP / WI / SHE standards to be applied throughout the BU. 4. Support the implementation of SMK3/OHSAS 18 001 and ISO 14001 in all BU. 5. Conduct inspections and audits SHE throughout the BU.
  • MALE, age max. 26 years.
  • 1-2 years experience as a SHE Staff / K3LH Staff / SAFETY OFFICER.
  • Mastering the regulations and standards in K3LH (Local and International).
  • Mastering SMK3, OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001.
  • Understanding of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Health.
  • Understand the management techniques, especially the Environmental Industry Industrial Waste, WWTP.

1. Budget planning and control department budget in order to ensure the existence of internal control. 2. Directing and overseeing the production of machine made ​​quality standards and production processes, monitoring implementation at the plant and help solve the quality problems that may arise in order to ensure the products that correspond to the desired. 3. Overseeing the process of quality assurance in the machine environment Garudafood Group in order to ensure the engine pr
  • MALE, max. 32 years old.
  • S1/S2 of Mechanical Engineering / Electrical / Mechanical.
  • Enginering 1-2 years as a Supervisor in the Food & Beverage Industry.
  • Have knowledge of Controlling Water Process.
  • Have knowledge of basic techniques of production, analytical methods of production machinery, engineering basics, Statistics.
  • Willing to do the Office of Foreign Cities

  • Male, D3/S1, all majors
  • 1-2 years experience as a head of 3-4 years as a warehouse or logistics staff
  • Having the ability to lead a team
  • Able to operate computer (Ms. Minimum application. Office)
  • Able to work under pressure
  • Willing to be placed in Gorontalo-Sulawesi

1. BOSNET implementing consolidation across the Point Depot and the SNS. 2. Implement PS applications in all PS SNS targeted. 3. MODIS implementation in all Depo SNS.
  • MALE, max. 28 years.
  • D3/S1 of Information Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Information Management.
  • 1 year experience as IT Staff.
  • Familiar with MS operating systems. MS Windows and applications. Excel.
  • Understand the concept of databases, preferably MS SQL master / Ms. Access
  • Willing to do the Office of Foreign Cities

  • Male/Female, max. 32 years old.
  • S1/S2 degree in Accounting from reputable university.
  • Have an experience min. 2 years as Accounting in F & B Industry.
  • Have a certification of Brevet A/B.
  • Have knowledge and Skill in Cost Accounting, Finance, Tax Regulation, SOP.
  • Familiar with ACCPAC application Program.

  • Male, max. 32 years old.
  • Bachelor/Master Degree majoring in Law, from reputable university.
  • Minimum 3 year experiences as Legal Officer
  • Experienced in Litigation and non litigation matter
  • Having good Knowledge Corporate Law/ Agribusiness
  • Able to work independently in fast-paced changing environment
  • Have experience working with government institution
  • Willing to travel intensively.

How to Apply ?
  • Download the application form at this link
  • Send to 

(Note : The Closing Date of these Job Vacancies are before 30-Dec-2011, please write position code: (example : LOW) on Subject field.)
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