PT PLN (PERSERO) Recruitment for D3 - S1 for period 2012

PT. Perusahaan Listrik Negara Persero (PLN abbreviated) is a state that takes care of all aspects of power that exist in Indonesia. 

Electricity in Indonesia started in the late 19th century, when several Dutch companies set up power generation for its own purposes. The utilization of electric power for the public interest since the private company of Dutch NV. NIGM expand its business in the field of electric power, which was originally only engaged in the gas. Then expanded with the establishment of other private companies.

After diproklamirkannya independence Indonesia, dated August 17, 1945, the Japanese-controlled power company seized by the youths Indonesia in September 1945, then handed over to the government of the Republic of Indonesia. On October 27, 1945 Jawatan Listrik dan Gas established by President Soekarno. At that time power generating capacity of 157.5 MW only.
  • Dated January 1, 1961, formed the BPU - PLN (the Governing Body of the State General Electric Company) engaged in the electricity, gas and kokas.
  • Dated January 1, 1965, BPU-PLN was dissolved and formed two companies state that the State Electricity Company (PLN) which manages the electric power and the State Gas Company (PGN), which manages the gas.
  • At that PLN's power generation capacity of 300 MW.
  • In 1972, the Government of Indonesia set the status of the State Electric Company General Electric Company in the State (PLN).
  • In 1990 through government regulation No. 17, PLN's power set as holders of the electricity business.
  • In 1992, the government provides an opportunity to the private sector to move in the business of providing electric power.
  • In line with the above policy then in June 1994 PLN status be transferred from the Public Company Limited Liability Company (Limited).
Electricity consumption in Indonesia
Indonesia's electricity consumption average is 473 kWh / capita in 2003. This figure is still relatively low compared to the average electricity consumption of the world which reaches 2215 kWh / capita (est. 2005). In the list released by The World Fact Book, Indonesia ranks 154 out of 216 countries on the list.

Vision & Mission
  • Recognized as World Class Company is Growing flowers, Superior and Trusted by relying on Potential Supreme Spirit.
  • Running a business of electrical and other related fields, oriented to customer satisfaction, member of the company and shareholders.
  • Making electricity as a medium to improve the quality of community life.
  • Striving to be the driving power of economic activity.
  • Running an environmentally friendly business activities.
  • Electricity for a Better Life
Code of Conduct
In carrying out its business the company was determined to work with spirit to always produce the best products and services and to treat customers, business partners, and suppliers fairly without discriminating.

In order to maintain any consistency in the implementation of good corporate (Corporate Governance), through its Code of Conduct document PT PLN (Persero), the management of PLN was determined to cultivate the habits and professional association of good governance and reflects both the PLN that could be self we are proud together.

This effort is also the embodiment of sincerity PLN citizens to work and seek harmony with the philosophy, vision, mission and corporate values ​​that have been agreed.

All this will be executed with due reference to the aspiration to create maximum value to the nation of Indonesia.

PT PLN (Persero) is the company's largest electricity provider in Indonesia. With a vision to "Recognized as World Class Company is Growing flowers, Superior and Trusted by relying on Potential Supreme Spirit", PT PLN (Persero) is committed to melistriki entire archipelago.

We believe that human potential is the greatest asset and our future, therefore we are investing heavily to get the prospective future leaders who will develop PT PLN (Persero) into a World Class Company and business challenges in the future.

Career opportunities in PT PLN (Persero) is large because the range of our business from upstream to downstream, ranging from Power Generation, Transmission to Distribution Power to the customer and supporting services.

Join with us at PLN !
Now, PT PLN (PERSERO) is opening employee recruitment program for candidates level D3-S1. PLACEMENT IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN INDONESIA (Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, PAPUA) 

Assistant Engineer di bidang Distribusi Tenaga Listrik (ED) (For level S1/D4)
Plan, supervise, manage the distribution network system, and / or operate / maintain distribution installations

Junior Engineer di bidang Distribusi Tenaga Listrik (TDT) (For level D3)
Plan, supervise, manage the distribution network system, and / or operate / maintain distribution installations

Junior Engineer di bidang Distribusi Tenaga Listrik (PNG) (For level D3)
Plan, supervise, manage the distribution network system, and / or operate / maintain distribution installations

Employee Recruitment Process PT PLN (Persero) using knock-out, covering the stages:
1. Registration via the Online Registration
2. verification of Documents
3. selection
4. Training Prajabatan
Selections include:
a. General Aptitude Test (GAT).
b. Academic and English tests.
c. Psychological Tests and Discussion Group.
d. Health Tests.
e. The interview.

Note : Participants who pass the selection will be called to follow Diklat Prajabatan, and if passed will be appointed as an Officer of PT PLN (Persero) and placed in the position proposed position throughout the Unit and the Work Area of PT PLN (Persero).

a. Selection reception held in Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Surabaya. Participants can choose their own selection where he wants;
b. Gender Male; 
c. Status is not married and not willing to marry during their Prajabatan Training;
d. Age Limit:
- S1/D4: Birth 1985 and thereafter;
- D3: The Birth of 1987 and thereafter.
e. Field of Study in accordance with the proposed position;
f. GPA:
- GPA> 2.75 for Engineering;
- GPA> 3.00 for Non-Engineering;
g. The applicant is only allowed to choose 1 (one) position code only appropriate field of study that is owned;
h. Applicants should never choose a level S1/D4 D3 level position (down grade);
i. Physically and mentally healthy to perform job tasks in PT PLN (Persero) throughout Indonesia;
j. It is free to follow the selection and Diklat Prajabatan organized by PT PLN (Persero);
k. All announcements / calls relating to this recruitment using the website of PT PLN (Persero). Applicants are required to monitor continuously the announcement to be aired on the website of PT PLN (Persero);
l. No correspondence relating to this recruitment;
m. The committee's decision can not be contested.

a. Do a registration application by creating a new account first. Activation link to the login will be sent by the system to your email address. Perform activation of your account by clicking the link before you enter the data yourself.
b. Errors resulting charging applicants do not qualify at this stage of the input data is the responsibility of each applicant and the applicant is not eligible to enter the next stage.
c. Save Data button is used to store your data temporarily. You are allowed to fill or alter your data as much as 3 times by clicking the Save Data button. If you are already convinced of the data is filled in, you can click the List button. The data will be processed only participants who have clicked the button list.
d. Once the List button is clicked, the page will appear to print the complete application file for applicants who otherwise qualify. This file is needed at a later stage (Verification of Documents). Applicants who do not pass / fall can not continue to the next stage.
e. Print completeness of the application file, namely:
1. Cover Letters.
2. Curriculum Vitae.
3. Statement of the Unit and would be placed in the working area of ​​PT PLN (Persero) throughout   Indonesia and is not involved drug abuse.
f. Fill in and sign the application file mentioned above. Especially for Statement, to be signed on the stamp Rp. 6000.00.
g. Complete the application file with all required supporting documents, namely:
1. Certificate of healthy and not color blind;
2. Copy of certificate / birth certificate is legalized;
3. Copy of last diploma or certificate of graduation is legalized;
4. Copy of the certified transcript;
5. Copy of valid ID card;
6. Recent color photograph size 4X6 3 (three) pieces;
If the document is not certified at the time of submission of the document that shows the original
h. Enter all your application file and supporting documents into a single folder for the verification of documents submitted at the time. Time and place of verification documents will be notified at any time via e-mail or through the website of PT PLN (Persero).
i. If at the time of verification of documents there is a discrepancy between the applicant's documents and data that is loaded on the Online Registration form, then the applicant otherwise not qualify or fall.
j. Applicants who do not pass the selection Online Registration, no need to submit documents for verification.

How to Apply ?
Please register yourself online at the provided link below and read the apply instructions carefully for the best result.

For further informations, please go to online registration link

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