Pupuk Kaltim Job Vacancy

Pupuk Kaltim’s history began as an offshore project on board two Pertamina ships, then, according to Presidential Decree No. 43/1975, the project was moved to land. Later, referring to Presidential Decree No. 39/1976, Pertamina handed operational authority to the Department of Industry.

On 7 December 1977, Pupuk Kaltim was officially established. The construction process was executed in 1979. To support operational activities, the plants were substituted by a number of facilities. The main material used at this Bontang-based factory is natural gas, transferred through 60 kilometres of pipeline between Bontang and Muara Badak.

Besides producing 2.98 million tons of Urea and 1.85 million tons of Ammonia annually, Pupuk Kaltim also produces other products such as NPK Pelangi, NPK Fuse Blending and Zeorganik fertilizers. Pupuk Kaltim strives to develop its existing market segments which include industrial and agricultural sectors, and also export and domestic fertilizer supply for the crop sector.

As a strategic industrial company that supports National Food Support Program, Pupuk Kaltim makes the best use of every opportunity to maintain company sustainability. Supported by four Ammonia plants and five Urea plants that occupy a total of 493 hectares Pupuk Kaltim plans to generate a successful and environmentally friendly industrial city.

Being the largest Urea and Ammonia manufacturer company in Indonesia with 2.98 million tons of Urea, 1.85 million tons of Ammonia, and 500 thousands tons of compound fertilizers (NPK) annual production capacity, PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (Pupuk Kaltim) is able to fulfil both national and international demands for fertilizer. The company�s integrated marketing is orientated to excellence in customer service and focuses on six key areas: On Time, Exact Quantity, Exact Type, Exact Place, Exact Quality and Exact Price.

Dynamic and competitive industrial development has motivated Pupuk Kaltim to develop its Good Corporate Governance (GCG) system in an effort to improve success in business and company accountability. The GCG Program also aims to achieve long term value for shareholders while maintaining other stakeholder interests.

Pupuk Kaltim puts great emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and this has been proven through company achievements in GCG and CSR. Encouraged by competent human resources and more than 30 years of experience, Pupuk Kaltim aims to increase productivity and induce sustainable progress, in line with business growth.

Recruitment Staff (Diploma III) 


  • Indonesian citizen who has a valid National Identity Card (KTP Nasional)
  • Maximum age on 8 September 2011 are 24 years old
  • Male (for the purposes of the factory)
  • D3 majoring in Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering with minimum GPA of 2.80 (scale 4)
  • Preferred fluent in English
  • Have a valid SKCK
  • No bound duty on other agencies.

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