Lowongan Kerja Lejel Home Shopping

Lejel Home ShoppingPT Lejel Home Shopping, a large trading company that have several branches in Indonesia, currently seeking suitable candidates for the following position:

1. Program Director (PD)
2. Production Assistant (PA)
3. Art Studio (AS)
4. Hair & Make Up Artist (MU)
5. Copy Writer (CW)
6. Motion Graphic (MG)
7. Editor (ED)
8. Show Host / Presenter (SH)
9. Unit Production (UP)


* Having 3-5 years experience in Broadcasting, able to work in team
* Preferably having experience in live program (1,2,3)
* Education Min Bachelor Degree (S1) in related field
* Having good leadership and interpersonal skill (1)
* Mastering After Effect, 3D Max / 3D Maya / Cinema 4D, Photoshop (6)
* Mastering Premiere, Final Cut Pro, Photoshop (7)
* Proficiency in Bahasa Indonesia and English (5)
* Female, age 25-35 years old (8)

Put the position code on top left of the envelope and send your CV including portfolio (for position 3,5,6) to:

Lejel Home Shopping
The Belleza GP Office Tower 18 Floor
Jl Letjen Soepeno 34
Arteri Permata Hijau - Jakarta Selatan 12210
or email to: hrd@lbstv.co.id
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