Lowongan Kerja Sari Roti

Sari RotiPT Nippon Indosari Corpindo Tbk (Sari Roti) is the largest foreign owned bread manufacturing company in Indonesia currently having 3 plants, 2 plants in the Jababeka Cikarang Industrial complex (West Java) and 1 plant at the Pasuruan Industrial Zone in East Java. Indosari is the first bread manufacturing company in Indonesia that uses modern technology from Japan in its production process and continues to produce high quality of bread that is halal, healthy and hygienic. We are currently seeking:

Financial Analysis Supervisor - Jawa Barat - Kawasan Industri Jababeka

* Update management regarding latest regulation applicable related to the company operations (Bapepam, IDX & tax) by using appropriate resources
* Perform financial report analysis
* Implements an appropriate set of Budgeting & Controlling tools
* Provide assistance for the general manager related with the Coordination of Annual Operating Plan in cooperation with Dept. Head in each division
* Perform monthly budget controlling and analysis of deviations with subsequent constructive reports to the Management
* In charge of financial forecasting and respective recommendations for actions to be taken
* Prepare report to management related with budget control in monthly basis


* Male or female, Max 28 years old
* Bachelor Degree, Major in Accounting from Reputable University
* Min GPA 3.00
* Experience as Auditor of Reputable Accounting Firm is Prefferable
* Able to prepare the financial statement in audit format
* Excellent understanding on Accounting Standards (PSAK)
* Advance Competency on MS.Excel is a must (Vlookup, If Function, Pivot Table, Chart, Etc)
* Capable to perform Financial Analysis, Projection & Budgeting
* Experience on Public Company, Bapepam Regulation & BEI Regulation is preferable
* Willing to placed in Cikarang office (KawasanIndustriJababeka I)
* Pelase Post your Recent Photograph & Expected Salary
* Full time & permanent positions available

Key Account Executive (Bandung Area)

* Male 26 - 34 years old with good health and integrity
* Holding S1 degree in relevant major, having driving licence (SIM A)
* Having at least 2 years experience in Sales , preferably in FMCG business
* Strong in forecasting capability, planning, analyzing,and sales skills with excellent interpersonal relationship
* Self motivated, hard working and target oriented
* Achieving business goals: Sales (Volume & Value), Service level, on time delivery, AR aging
* Developing the existing customers and expanding business by opening new customer.
* Maintaining business relationship with key customers within area of responsibility

Production Operator - Bekasi

* Male
* Age 18-25
* High school graduates and vocational equivalent (SMU/K)
* Physical and Spiritual Health
* Honest, Tough, Hard Working
* Willing to work in shift

Spare-Parts Operators - Bekasi

* Male, Age 18-25
* Minimum Education High School (SMU/K) or Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
* Minimum 1 year experience in the same field
* Physical and Spiritual Health
* Honest, Tough, Hard Working
* Willing to work in shift

Operator Maintenance - Bekasi

* Male
* Age 18-28 years
* Vocational school graduates (SMK) or D3 Electric Engineering
* Understanding Wiring Diagrams
* Minimum 1 year experience as Maintenance
* Willing to work in shift

For those interested candidates, please send your complete application and current CV to the following email: recruitment@nipponindosari.co.id not later than July 7, 2011
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