Lowongan Sunlake Group of Hotels (Manhattan & Merlynn Park)

Sunlake Group of HotelsSunlake Group of Hotels is the hotelier group corporation involving 3 branches of privately owned hotels, namely Sunlake Hotel, Manhattan Hotel, and New Metro Hotel. We have been existing for more then 30 years now (first started was New Metro Hotel) and have now been newly branching out and renovating again as brand new hotels.

We are searching candidates for Waiter/Waitress to be hired in our branches which is in Manhattan Hotel at South Jakarta and Merlynn Park Hotel at Central Jakarta, the requirement are:

1. Male / Female
2. Max 25 year old
3. Hotelier and tourism background
4. Fluent in english

If you are interest to apply at Manhattan Hotel please write the subject "Waiter for Manhattan Hotel" and send your complete CV to hrd@hotel-manhattan.com


If you are interest to apply at Merlynn Park Hotel please write the subject "Waiter for Merlynn Park Hotel" and send your complete CV to hrd@merlynnparkhotel.com

Only qualified candidates will be proceed.
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