Lowongan Kerja Smart Tbk

Smart TbkPT SMART Tbk is one of the largest, publicly-listed, integrated palm-based consumer companies in Indonesia which is committed to sustainable palm oil production. SMART is a subsidiary of Golden Agri-Resources Ltd ("GAR"), which is one of the largest palm-based companies in the world which is listed on the Singapore Exchange. SMART also manages all of GAR's oil palm plantations, which has a total planted area of 433,200 hectares (including small holders) in Indonesia, as at 30 June 2010.

Now we are recruiting highly caliber individuals to fill in our open position as Basic Management Development Program for Manufacturing (BMDP Manufacturing).

BMDP (Basic Management Development Program) Bulking
Requirement :
- Male, Single with maximum age is 26 years old.
- Diploma 4 (D-4) or Bachelor Degree from any major (preferable from Engineering, Naval or Marine) with minimum GPA 2.85.
- Minimum height is 165 and having good stamina and good shape condition.
- Understanding about maritime and sea transportation is an advantage.
- Willing to be placed in port station all over Indonesia.

PT. SMART. Tbk (Downstream Division)
PLAZA BII, Tower 2, 22nd floor
JL. MH. Thamrin Kav. 22 No. 51 Jakarta Pusat 10350
Send your CV to : smartdownstream01@gmail.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
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