Lowongan BUMN Boma Bisma Indra (Persero)

State-owned company engaged in manufacturing Pressure Vessel, Heat Exchanger, Condenser, Piping, Structure formation requires immediate power to:
1. Mechanical Engineer ( ME ) - 2 positions.
2. Yunior Mechanical Engineer ( Y-ME ) 3 positions.
3. Fabrication Engineer (FE) 1 positions
Qualifications :
* Bachelor Degree (S1) Mechanical Engineering with GPA min 2.90 ( No. 1,3 );
* Bachelor Degree (S1) / Diploma (D3) from Mechanical Engineering( No. 2 );
* Experienced 2 Years, ( No. 1,2, 3 );
* Mastering Design Shoftware associated with PV, HE, Steel Structure, thermal HE Condenser & Design. (No. 1,2,3);
* Max age 30 years old ( No. 1,3);
* Max age 27 years old. ( No. 2);
* Single, unmarried & health ( No. 1,2,3);
* Fluent in English both oral and written ( No. 1,2,3)
All application will be treated confidentially and must be sen no later than 15 Agustus 2011. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Send your application to :
HRD Manager - PT. Boma Bisma Indra (Persero)
JL. Imam Bonjol 18 Pasuruan 67122
or by email to : a.sadeli@ptbbipas.com; gatut.t@ptbbipas.com
Selection process will held on 20 Agustus 2011.