Lowongan Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi

Front Liner / Back Office
- Minimum D3 (all majors)
- Maximum age 25 years.
- Willing to be placed throughout the Branch / Capem Jabotabek
- Look attractive.
- Mastering MS Office
- Minimal S1 (all majors)
- Maximum age 25 years.
- Spirited marketing & ready to work with the target.
- Willing to be placed throughout the Branch / Capem Jabotabek
- Look attractive.
- Mastering MS Office
- Minimal S1 majoring in Accounting
- Maximum age 25 years.
- Willing to be placed throughout the Branch / Capem Jabotabek
- Look attractive.
- Mastering MS Office
Gedung M, Lantai 6, UPT. Pemagangan Dan Hubungan Alumni.
Universitas Trisakti, with Ibu Anita. Not later than 25 Oktober 2011
Test will be held at Gedung M Lantai 12, R. Seminar Universitas Trisakti
Thursday, October 27, 2011 - Time: 8:00 am to 16:30 pm.