PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk Job Vacancy

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. (IDX: BMRI) is a bank headquartered in Jakarta, and is the largest bank in Indonesia in terms of assets, loans and deposits. This bank was established on October 2, 1998 as part of the banking restructuring program undertaken by the Government of Indonesia. In July 1999, four Government-owned banks, Bank Bumi Resources (BBD), Bank Dagang Negara (BDN), Export-Import Bank Indonesia (Bank Exim), and the Development Bank of Indonesia (Bapindo), combined into Bank Mandiri.

Customer of Bank Mandiri, which consists of various segments of the Indonesian economy is the prime mover. Based on the business sector, Bank Mandiri customers engaged in the business is very diverse. As part of the application'''prudential banking''' &'''risk management best practices''', Bank Mandiri has made various changes. One of them, credit approval and supervision carried out by'''four-eye principle''', where credit approval is separated from the activities of marketing and business units. As part of risk diversification and income, the bank also scored significant progress in serving the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and retail clients. At the end of 1999, the share of loans to'''corporate''' still by 87% of total loans, while on December 31, 2009, the share of loans to SMEs and micro enterprises have reached 42.22% and the share of consumer credit to customers by 13 , 92%, while the share of loans to'''corporate''' covers 43.86% of total loans.

After completing the program transformation since 2005 up to 2009, the bank was preparing to implement the next stage of transformation by revitalizing the vision and mission to become the Financial Institutions Indonesia's most admired and always progressive.

PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk is opening chance to join within the team with details below

Front Liners (FL)
Work Location   :   Jawa Timur
  • Minimum education S1 from reputable University
  • Minimum GPA 2.75
  • Maximum age 24 years and 26 years for the experienced as frontliner
  • Minimal computer literate MS Office programs 
  • Energetic, confident, able to make presentations and communicate well
  • Not Married
  • Willing to be placed in all areas of East Java
  • Do not have a nuclear family (father, mother, sister, brother) worked as an employee of Bank Mandiri
  • Never follow the selection process fronliner Bank Mandiri in the last 1 year

Interested candidates, please apply online for this job at the following link 

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