Lowongan Kerja Adhi Karya (Persero)

ADHI status changed to a Limited Company on June 1, 1974 and approved by the Minister of Justice. ADHI was 100% owned by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia until end of 2003 when the Republic of Indonesia through the Minister of SOE, as the Authority of Shareholders, removed 49% of its shares to be offered to public through Initial Public Offering (IPO). This decision was followed by the registration of ADHI’s shares in the Jakarta Stock Exchange (now Indonesia Stock Exchange) which also made ADHI as the first listed State-Owned construction company in the stock exchange.
Currently PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk seeking qualified candidates for the following position:
Requirements :
• Bachelor Degree in: Civil Engineering, Architectural Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Physics Engineering and Accounting.
• Min GPA 3.00 on 4.00 grade scale
• Age max 25 years old
• Preferably Male
• Computer literate
• Fluently in English (oral & written)
• A highly driven and motivated self starter with a strong commitment in achieving career, personal, organizational goal and have a good teamwork.
• Willing to be relocated in project on site (anywhere in Indonesia or overseas)
For those interested please attend the event:
6th October 2011 at 9 am
In Diponegoro University Engineering Faculty (Gedung Sukowati Pertamina, Jl. Prof. Soedharto Tembalang)
Please Register to BURSA KARIR ITS - 22
5-6th Oct 2011
Tue, October 11st
2011, 9:00am-finish
Auditorium, Lt.3 Gedung Pasca Sarjana. ITS
* For candidate who pass administration will be contact SAC to come & joint
Program :
1. Presentation introduction PT ADHI KARYA (Persero) Tbk.
2. Online Recruitment