Lowongan Kerja Sky Energy Indonesia

* Male/Female
* Age, min 25 - 35 years old
* Education, min Bachelor Degree (S1) any major.
* Experience Min 3 years old
* Knowledge Requirement :
o Have network to telecommunication industry and power industry will be advantage
o Have knowledge to preparing market strategy
o Have knowledge about Government regulation of tender
o Have communication skill we be advantage
o Have skill to manage communication.
o Have knowledge and skill about market research
o Have skill about public relation activities,advertising recap controlling budget
o Have skill to coordination product launching and event
* Only Qualified candidate will be processed
* Working Place in Cileungsi, Bogor
Please send your comprehensive resume in detail (including your organizational experience & achievement in campus & working field), copy of certificate & transcript, 2 pieces of 3 x 4 latest photograph to:
HR Department
Email : hrd@theskyenergy.com