Lowongan Kerja Alstom Transport

Alstom TransportYes, together we will build the future. Through the development of advanced public transport and cleaner electric power production, more than 80,000 Alstom employees in 70 countries are helping to address some of the key issues that face this planet today. If you are looking for a world economic, social and environmental change, look no further. As a leading global player in energy and transport infrastructures we suggest it’s time to act and think of the future. Your future.

Civil Engineering (Bandung)

* Male
* Undergraduate/graduate from Civil Engineering from reputable university
* Minimum 8 (eight) years experience in Civil Engineering
* Mandatory able to communicate, reading and writing in English
* Mandatory having Ahli Madya Certificate in Civil Engineering issued by Indonesia government
* Project monitoring Experience
* Preferable experience in railway industry
* Experience with Auto CAD

Please Send your Resume & CV to : idban.recruitment@transport.alstom.com
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