Lowongan Kerja Perum Peruri

The company's name is short for 'Perum Percetakan Uang Republik Indonesia'; i.e. 'Republic of Indonesia Money printers'. It has offices in Jakarta, Karawang and Surabaya, with marketing and administrative functions taking place in Jakarta, and printing and minting occurring in Karawang and Surabaya. Since 2007, Perum Peruri has also been printing Nepalese Rupees. (www.wikipedia.com)
Perum Peruri require professionals :
No. Position - Spesific requirements:
- Staff Sekretaris Perusahaan (SEK) - D3 Sekretaris (diutamakan Lulusan Tarakanita)
- Staff Hukum (HUK) - S1 Hukum Perdata
- Staff Pengembangan Organisasi (POR) - S1 Teknik Industri
- Staff Pengamanan (PAM) - S1 Hukum Perdata
- Staff Pengembangan Pasar (SAR) - S1 Ekonomi Manajemen
- Staff Desain Produk (DES) - S1 Seni Rupa/Desain Grafis/Desain Komunikasi Visual
- Staff Pengembangan Produk & Teknologi (PPT) - S1 Teknik Informatika/Eko.Manajemen
- Staff Perencanaan & Pengendalian Produksi (REN) - S1 Teknik Industri
- Staff Teknologi Informasi (INF) - S1 Teknik Informatika
- Staff Akuntansi (KUN) - D3 Akuntansi
- Staff Pengembangan SDM (SDM) - S1 Psikologi
- Staff Penggajian & Remunerasi (PGR) - D3 Manajemen Komputer/Informatika
* Physical and Spiritual Health
* Minimum GPA 2.80 (scale 4:00)
* Age Maximum 28 years (the limit of the oldest born October 10, 1983)
* Active English language (spoken and written)
* Have good interpersonal skills, loyalty and high integration
* Preferably with working experience in the field of at least 2 years
* Not married
Online Registration Date: 01 - October 10, 2011
TOEFL Test Announcement Date: 11 - October 14, 2011
TOEFL Test Date: October 15, 2011
Psychotest Announcement Date: 19 - October 21, 2011
Psychotest & Competency Test Date: October 22, 2011
Interview Test Date: October 23, 2011
Click Lowongan Peruri for online registration. (www.ppsdmconsultant.com)