Hospitality Career - d'Season Hotel Surabaya

HHRMA Hotel Career Info. We are d’Season Hotel Surabaya , Seeking for the dynamic and responsible individual to fill our vacant position as:
1. Assistant Chief Accounting
2. Purchasing Manager
3. Guest Service Agents
4. Engineering technician (M/E)
5. Pastry Chef
6. Cook Helper
Specification and Qualifications:
· Female, single age max 25 years old (1, 2,3)
· Male, single age max 25 years old (2,3,4)
· Min. SMK / Equivalent (2,3,4,5), D3 or equivalent (1)
· Good command of English (1)
· Min. 3 months trainee experience in similar position (3 & 6)
Interested candidates are invited to submit application and CV with recent photograph to only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Application must be received no later than two week after this vacancy advertisement..
Eko Soedjianto
General Manager | Hotel d'Season Surabaya | Jl. tenggilis Utara No.14 |Surabaya 60292 | Indonesia
Phone: +62 31 8472098 | Fax: +62 31 8472823 |
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