Lowongan Kerja Januari 2009 Gosowong Halmahera Maluku Utara SURVEYOR di PT NUSA HALMAHERA MINERALS

Lowongan Kerja, Lowongan Kerja Januari 2009, Lowongan, Kerja, Lowongan Pekerjaan, Loker, Lowongan Kerja Surveyor PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals Maluku Utara Januari 2009Lowongan Kerja PT. Nusa Halmahera Minerals is a gold mining and exploration company, operating a COW on Halmahera Island, Lowongan Kerja di Maluku Utara. The company is a joint venture between Newcrest Mining Limited (82.5 %) and PT Aneka Tambang (17.5 %).

The Company has vacant position for Surveyor at Gosowong – Halmahera Utara working a 4 weeks on, 2 weeks off roster.

The successful candidates will possess the following qualifications and experience :

  • Minimum Bachelor Degree in Lowongan Kerja Geodetic Engineering
  • Minimum 3 years experiences in Surface & 2 years in Underground Mining.
  • Strong survey computer (ACAD, Surpac and other survey software)
  • Proficient in survey instruments
  • Driving License A
  • Good written and spoken English will be highly regarded
  • Good spiritual and physical
  • Willing to learn and work hard
Applications are to be forwarded to:

HR Department
PO BOX 1650
Manado 95016
or by e-mail : recruitment@nhm.co.id

Only short listed candidates will receive response. Closing date is January 20th, 2009
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