GAC Samudera LogisticsPT. GAC Samudera Logistics (GSL) is a multinational company with 50:50 joint venture between GAC and Samudera Indonesia Group (SIG). Under the brand GAC, GSL provides high-quality Shipping, Logistics, Marine, and solution services in more than 50 countries around the globe. GAC currently employs over 7000 people. Samudera Indonesia is one of Indonesia’s premier shipping and transport companies. The company owns and charters more than 50 vessels, operates more than 27 offices and employs about 2,500 people.

PT. GAC Samudera Logistics was incorporated in May 1997. GSL operates from a state of the art distribution center at Cikarang, Surabaya, and Medan. GSL is committed to train and develop local human resources, and today employs over 500 staff.

Due the expansion plan of GAC, for Cikarang, Medan, Surabaya area, we required a:

Warehouse Manager (WM)

Job description:
  • Maintains receiving good inbound, outbound, replenishment and all part in warehousing activities and distribution operations by initiating, coordinating, and enforcing program, operational and procedure (GWP)
  • Control inventory levels by conducting physical count; reconciling with data storage system
  • Manages day-to-day operational aspects for all.
  • Male / Female, Max 33 years old
  • 3 – 5 years in 3rd party logistics / logistics / Transportation/Retail, etc
  • S1 / S2 [Logistics/Transport]
  • Advanced with MS-office
  • Strong oral / written communication skills in English is a must
  • Logistics, Supply chain management
  • Able to work under pressure.
Qualified applicants are invited to apply, email your resume in English to: tutik.budiyanti@gacworld.com

Please send the CV with Current photograph, Current Salary and Expected Salary with CODE AREA only into Zip file in max.200 KB the submission will be closed on: October 30th, 2009
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