PT. ACE INA Insurance is one of the leaders in domestic insurance industry. With our global reach, local expertise, and breadth of experience in managing risk for thousands of clients both in Indonesia and overseas, we are well positioned to help provide customized solutions to all your risk management needs.
PT. ACE INA Insurance is part of the ACE Group of Companies, one of the world's largest providers of property and casualty insurance, reinsurance, and other financial services.
Agency Leader
Role & Responsibilities:
- Conduct recruitment and selection of Financial Consultants
- Manage all Financial Consultants under their level of responsibility
- Provide sales report
- Meet certain production requirements with the new Financial Consultants during field training before they can sell on their own
- Follow up existing Financial Consultants to provide guidance to improve sales and prospective skills
- Conduct weekly supervision with their Financial Consultants
- Male / Female with a minimum in D1 certification
- With 3-5 years sales experience preferably
- Experience in managing a sales team
- Possesses a positive attitude and determination to succeed
- Effective communication skills
- Holding Agency License from AAUI (Asosiasi Asuransi Umum Indonesia)
Roles & Responsibilities
- Meet sales and persistency requirements as required by the company
- Attend training programs as required by the company
- Attend sales meetings as required by the company
- Provide service to their clients
- Comply with industry regulations, company rules and procedures and use appropriate sales practice
- Males / Females with a minimum in D1 certification
- With 1-3 years sales experience preferably
- Possess a positive attitude and determination to succeed
- Effective communication skills
- Self starter
PT. ACE INA Insurance
Human Resources Department
P.O. Box 1450
Jakarta 10014
Tel: (62-21) 5299-8200
Fax: (62-21) 521-1808
Email: HR.ID@acegroup.com