Lowongan Kerja Pepperl+Fuchs

Pepperl+FuchsPepperl+Fuchs is one of the world's largest manufacturers of electronic sensors and the undisputed world market leader for intrinsic safety and explosion protection technology. We've been setting the standard in quality and innovation for the world of factory and process automation for 60 years. No other industrial automation company in the world offers a larger product selection of sensors and interface devices.

Pepperl+Fuchs Factory Automation products-inductive, capacitive, photoelectric and ultrasonic sensors; ID systems; AS-Interface; rotary encoders; and zone scanners-are used in a wide variety of markets and applications in industrial automation for the material handling, packaging, automotive, metal forming, printing, and mobile equipment industries.

1. Engineering Assistant Process
  • Male
  • Diploma in Electronic Engineering
  • Preferred Min. 1 years experience
  • Fresh graduate are Welcome
2. Head Production
  • Male
  • Degree in Electronic and Engineering
  • Experience Min 3 years working experience in leading a Team of staff senior level.
  • Good Communication and analytical skill
3. Production Planner
  • Male/Female
  • Degree / Diploma any Engineering Discipline
  • Min 1 – 3 Experience as Planner
  • Familiar with MRP system or other program related will be an advantage.
  • Able to manage the production line
  • Good Planning and Organizing skills
4. Production Supervisor
  • Degree in Electronic or other majoring related
  • Experience and Fresh graduate are welcome
  • Good Supervisory skills – eg planning, organizing, controlling,
  • staffing &Training
  • Willing to take on new assigned tasks
5. IT Engineering Assistant
  • Male
  • Diploma in electronic or Information Technology
  • Experience Min 2 years in Maintenance of machines
  • Computer literate
General requirement:
- Able to communicate and write in English
- Familiar with Microsoft office
- Committed, self motivated, result oriented and resourceful
- Knowledge of SPC Techniques
- Willing to working in Bintan
- Willing to learn and improve

Send your Curriculum Vitae (CV) with photographs, certificate (ijazah) and transcript (GPA) not later than November 11, 2010 include with expected salary to :
Human Resource Dept. PT. Pepperl+Fuchs Bintan
Jl. Asoka SD 56, 57, T3, T5 Building
BIIE Industrial Estate, Lobam – Bintan.

1. Biaya transportasi ke Bintan ditanggung perusahaan
2. Disediakan tempat tinggal/mess
3. Makan di pabrik pada jam kerja

Rencana Rekrutmen (Tes Tertulis dan Interview):
Hari/tanggal : Jum’at, 12 November 2010
Jam : 07.30-16.00
Tempat : Auditorium IST. AKPRIND
Jl. Kalisahak No.28 Kompleks Balapan Yogyakarta 55222

Lamaran ditujukan kepada:
d/a Biro Administrasi Kemahasiswaan & Alumni
Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND
up. Bapak Dede Sukandar Telp.0274-563029 ext.214
Jl. Kalisahak No.28 Kompleks Balapan Yogyakarta 55222
Batas Penutupan tanggal : 11 November 2010 Jam: 11.00
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