Lowongan Trikomsel (Oke Shop)

Oke ShopPT Trikomsel Oke Tbk. "the Company" was founded in Jakarta on 7 October 1996 under the name of PT Trikomsel Citrawahana. In 2000, the Company changed its name to PT Trikomsel Multimedia, and in 2007 to PT Trikomsel Oke. In addition to providing various mobile communication products and services, the Company also acts as a distributor for wellknown operator products in Indonesia. Business activities of the Company is done through distribution and retail channels with the basis of fostering the value of life through continuous improvement.

On the distribution channel, the Company is collaborating with independent dealers which have one or more outlets. Up to December 2009, the total number of dealers and points of distribution had reached 11,814 and 108, respectively. The Company has a wide retail network that covers all areas in Indonesia that are supported with continuous infrastructure development. The retail network is represented in the form of retail outlets entitled "OkeShop". Our company offers competitive remuneration package, together with further skill and knowledge development, and challenging career opportunities.



* Good knowledge and experience in retail and/or distribution of computer business (Notebook), min 3 years for RSM, 2 years for ASM, and 1 year for AE
* Strong analytical skills, with 2 years experiences in Brand Management for computer business (Notebook) for PM
* Min S1 in any background from reputable university
* Proven leadership and good self-starter as strong team player
* Passion for result oriented and customer service

Please send your application with updated resume and recent photograph (4×6) to:

HR-Recruitment PT Trikomsel Oke Tbk
PO BOX 2075 JKP 10020
or submit your application online to: career@oke.com (not exceed than 250 kb)

Please put application code on subject email/top left corner of the envelope
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