Lowongan Kerja Bakrie Telecom

Bakrie Telecom Bakrie Telecom has been one of the pioneers in Indonesia 's telecommunication industry. It has certainly been the leader in providing affordable fixed wireless services to customers, particularly those in the under serviced areas. Having adopted the more spectrum efficient Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technology, Bakrie Telecom is now poised to become a nationwide operator with its Esia brand.

Since its launch in September 2003, Esia has been a market shaker and mover. We have introduced various products and programs that customers find to be highly attractive, and soon our innovations are replicated by other operators-fixed as well as mobile wireless. Bakrie Telecom is now the fastest growing telecom operator in Indonesia, offering a growing portfolio of products and services. We are seeking young and telented professionals to be part of our expanding team:

Account Executive

* Minimum age 23 years, minimum education D3, preferably majoring in Telecommunications, IT, or Eleketro

* Having an interest and basic knowledge of internet

* Preferred pengalama have the job as Sales Engineer in the telecommunications industry, IT, or computer

* Ability to organize, manage and develop the accounts of the company

* Strong communication and presentation is excellent

* Preferred have the competence other than sales to support sales activities such as marketing, computer knowledge, area mapping and analysis.

Recruitment will be held on:

Day: Monday, September 12, 2011 or Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Time: 09.00-finished

Location: Auditorium FTSP UII Lantai 3 Kampus terpadu UII

Jl. Kaliurang Km 14,5 Sleman Yogyakrta

If you meet the above requirements, please do apply online at : Lowongan Bakrie Telecom

Applicants who pass the administration to apply online will be announced on Friday, September 8, 2011
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