Warung Online

Lowongan Kerja PT Tri Banyan Tirta Februari 2013

PT Tri Banyan Tirta didirikan pada tahun 1997. Tujuan perusahaan adalah membangun Alto Natural Spring Water sebagai produk lokal dengan kualitas standar internasional. ALTO telah mendapatkan sertifikasi dari beberapa institusi meliputi SNI, Halal, Aspadin, WHO, ABWA.

PT Tri Banyan Tirta didukung oleh ahli-ahli profesional dari berbagai latar belakang yang berbeda untuk mewujudkan tujuan perusahaan dalam menghasilkan produk-produk bermutu tinggi.

Saat ini kami mengundang para professional muda untuk bergabung bersama team kami untuk posisi:

Programmer Supervisor (Code:PROG-SPV)

Jakarta Raya


  • Pria/Wanita

  • Usia maksimal 35 tahun

  • S1 Teknik Informatika/Sistem Informasi

  • Menguasai Borland Delphi, Crystal Report, VB.net, MySQL

  • Mampu bekerja dalam deadline dan dalam tekanan

  • Penempatan di Jakarta Barat

Segera kirimkan CV ke :


Contact :

Aprilia (021-5300689)

Closing Date:08-02-13

Lowongan Kerja Bank BNI Syariah Februari-Maret 2013

PT Bank BNI Syariah (Rungkut) memberikan kesempatan bagi para sarjana putra daerah berpotensi baik yang sudah berpengalaman maupun yang baru lulus (FRESH GRADUATE), Bergabunglah bersama kami untuk di didik menjadi professional muda yang handal untuk berkarya di BNI Syariah dalam pengembangan bisnis mikro di wilayah Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Gresik, Babat, dan sekitarnya.

Customer Service (Asisten Gadai)

Jawa Timur


  • Pendidikan minimal D3 Semua jurusan

  • Berat badan proporsional & Berpenampilan menarik

  • IPK Minimal 3,00 (PTS) dan 2,75 (PTN)

  • Memiliki kendaraan sendiri dan mempunyai SIM C

  • Usia Maksimum 25 tahun pada 1 Februari 2013

  • Belum menikah

  • Memiliki motivasi, integritas dan inisiatif yang tinggi

  • Domisili di Surabaya & Sekitarnya

Benefit :

  • Gaji tetap dan bonus yang menarik

Aplikasi lamaran harus dilengkapi:

  • 1 Lembar pasphoto berwarna ukuran 4x6

  • 1 lembar Photocopy KTP yang masih berlaku

  • Daftar riwayat hidup/ CV lengkap

  • 1 Lembar Photocopy Ijazah

  • 1 lembar transkrip nilai

  • Photocopy sertifikat/ dokumen pendukung

Kirimkan lamaran ke :

PT. BNI Syariah KC Mikro Rungkut

Jl. Raya Kalirungkut No. 5 Blok A1/2

Ruko Rungkut Megah Raya Surabaya 60293

Closing Date:01-03-13


Info Kerja Terbaru 2013

Lowongan Kerja PT Anugrah Argon Medica Februari 2013

PT. Anugrah Argon Medica is a leading pharmaceutical distribution company, and a member of Dexa Medica Group. With a network of 40 branches and sales offices covering every major city in Indonesia, we distribute pharmaceutical, medical devices, and consumer healthcare products. Our principals include local and multinational companies. We strongly believe in our values: Strive for excellent, Act profesionally and Deal with care.

Business Manager



  • Ensure business objective achievement

  • Designing selling & marketing strategic

  • Monitoring and evaluating operational implementation of initiative strategic

  • Build good relationship with principal and operational

  • Initiate market opportunity to support business growth


  • Male, Max 35 years old

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree, Business Studies/Administration/Management, Economics, Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent.

  • Experience in FMCG Industries as branch manager / key account manager / sales manager, especially in traditional market

  • Deeply involved (hands on) in the process with his team to provide problems solving and meet sales targets

  • Strong sense of business and sales, strong leadership and interpersonal skills

  • Good communication & presentation skill

  • Fluent in English, oral and written

  • Ability in Mandarin will be added value

Qualified Candidate can submit resume to


AAM Head Office, Titan Center, 4th Floor

Jl Boulevard Bintaro Block B7/B1 No 5, Bintaro Jaya, Sektor 7, Tangerang

Lowongan Kerja PT PLN (Persero) Januari 2013

Lowongan Kerja - PT PLN (Persero) merupakan perusahaan penyedia jasa kelistrikan terbesar di Indonesia. Dengan visi untuk “Diakui sebagai Perusahaan Kelas Dunia yang Bertumbuh kembang, Unggul dan Terpercaya dengan bertumpu pada Potensi Insani”, PT PLN (Persero) berkomitmen untuk melistriki seluruh Nusantara. Kami percaya bahwa Potensi insani merupakan aset terbesar dan masa depan kami, karenanya kami berinvestasi besar untuk mendapatkan calon-calon pemimpin masa depan yang akan mengembangkan PT PLN (Persero) menjadi Perusahaan Kelas Dunia dan menghadapi tantangan bisnis di masa yang akan datang. Kesempatan berkarier di PT PLN (Persero) sangatlah luas karena rentang bisnis kami dari hulu sampai hilir, mulai dari Pembangkitan, Transmisi hingga Distribusi Listrik ke pelanggan serta jasa-jasa pendukungnya. Bergabunglah bersama kami!

Pengumuman Rekrutmen PT PLN (Persero) Tingkat S1/D4/D3 Tahun 2013 Penempatan di Seluruh Indonesia.

Tingkat Kelulusan : Minimal Diploma

Jurusan : Teknik Elektro,Teknik Listrik,Teknik Sipil

Syarat Khusus

  1. Persyaratan :

    • Jenis Kelamin Laki-laki;

    • Status belum menikah dan bersedia tidak menikah selama menjalani Diklat Prajabatan;

    • Lulus S1/D4 atau D3 dengan batas usia :

      • S1/D4 : Kelahiran 1987 dan sesudahnya

      • D3 : Kelahiran 1989 dan sesudahnya

    • IPK > 2,75

    • Program Studi:

    • Tingkat S1/D4

      • Teknik Elektro Arus Kuat/Teknik Listrik

      • Teknik Sipil

      Tingat D3

      • Teknik Sipil

  2. Mengisi data pendaftaran dan menyerahkan berkas lamaran di CAREER DAYS UGM XIII, tanggal 9 – 10 FebruarI 2013

    • Surat Lamaran yang ditujukan kepada PT PLN (Persero) c.q. Kepala Divisi Pengembangan SDM dan Talenta;

    • Riwayat Hidup (CV);

    • Copy akte kelahiran (jika belum ada, bisa disusulkan pada saat tes psikologi);

    • Copy Ijasah/keterangan lulus yang dilegalisir;

    • Copy transkrip nilai terakhir yang dilegalisir;

    • Copy KTP;

    • Pasfoto terbaru ukuran 3x4 sebanyak 1 lembar ;

  3. Kelengkapan Berkas lamaran sebagai berikut : Selama proses seleksi, apabila ada ketidaksesuaian data, peserta dinyatakan GUGUR.

  4. Pelamar hanya diperbolehkan memilih 1 (satu) posisi jabatan sesuai tingkat pendidikan dan program studi/bidang minat yang dimiliki.

  5. Panggilan peserta dan lokasi tes akan diumumkan melalui ECC UGM

  6. Tahapan Seleksi Meliputi:

    • Seleksi Administrasi

    • GAT

    • Tes Akademik dan Bahasa Inggris

    • Tes Psikologi dan diskusi kelompok

    • Tes Kesehatan

    • Wawancara

    • Diklat Prajabatan


  1. Peserta yang dinyatakan memenuhi syarat seleksi akhir akan diangkat sebagai Pegawai PT PLN (Persero) dengan tingkat / level jabatan sebagai berikut :

    • Tingkat D3 pada Grade Basic 2

    • Tingkat S1/D4 pada Grade Specific 4

  2. Tidak ada korespondensi berkaitan dengan rekrutmen ini dan keputusan Tim Penerimaan Pegawai tidak dapat diganggu gugat

  3. Tidak dipungut biaya apapun dalam mengikuti seleksi yang diselenggarakan oleh PT PLN (Persero)

  4. Tidak ada sistem refund atau penggantian biaya transportasi dan akomodasi yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan seleksi.

Valid 3 Hari lagi

Lowongan Kerja PT Griya Miesejati (Bakmi GM) Januari 2013

Lowongan Kerja 2013 - Bakmi GM sebagai salah satu pelopor dari jaringan restoran terbesar di Jakarta berdiri sejak tahun 1959. Saat ini telah memiliki 26 outlet yang tersebar di berbagai wilayah Jakarta, Bekasi, Tangerang, Depok dan terus berkembang serta melakukan ekspansi.

Visi kami adalah menjadi restoran yang bertumbuh dan berkembang sebagai restoran keluarga cepat saji dengan mutu kelas dunia.

Untuk merealisasikan visi tersebut serta menunjang perkembangan usaha dan memperkuat tim manajemen yang telah ada kami mengajak Anda untuk bergabung dan maju bersama dengan kami, sebagai:

Sekretaris Direksi

Jakarta Barat (Jakarta Raya)


  • Bertanggung jawab dalam mengatur jadwal direksi

  • Mengurusi semua kebutuhan dan keperluan direksi


  • Wanita, dengan usia 23 - 28 tahun

  • Pendidikan minimal D3 Sekretaris dengan IPK minimal 2,75 (skala 4)

  • Memiliki pengalaman di posisi yang sama minimal 2 tahun

  • Menguasai Ms. Office

  • Menguasai Bahasa Inggris baik Aktif maupun Pasif

  • Berkepribadian dan berpenampilan menarik

PT Griya Miesejati (Bakmi GM)

Jl. Arjuna Utara No. 66 Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat

Closing Date:10-2-13

Lowongan Kerja PT Kurnia Makmur Abadi Jaya Februari 2013

Loker 2013 - PT. Kurnia Makmur Abadi Jaya is a chemical and laboratories trading company, based in Semarang, Central Java, currently looking for:

Marketing Sales Engineer

Jawa Tengah - Semarang


  • Memasarkan dan menjual produk sesuai target

  • Menjaga relasi dengan existing customers

  • Memperkenalkan produk baru dan mencari pasar


  • Laki-laki

  • Usia maks. 35 tahun

  • Pendidikan D3/S1 kimia, kimia industri, teknik kimia, politeknik, ekonomi, sains

  • Diutamakan untuk yang berpengalaman min 3thn di bidang yang sama

  • Mempunyai kemampuan interpersonal yang baik, dapat bekerja sama dan jujur

  • Mempunyai kendaraan sendiri

  • Bersedia ditempatkan di Semarang, Jawa Tengah

Surat lamaran dan resume (Cv) dikirim ke:


Closing Date:21-02-13

Lowongan Kerja PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika Februari 2013

Loker 2013 PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika - Adira Insurance berdiri sejak tahun 2002, merupakan perusahaan Asuransi Umum (kendaraan bermotor, marine, cargo, property) yang sedang berkembang pesat dan memiliki cabang di seluruh Indonesia, membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang potensial untuk ditempatkan sebagai :

Management Trainee Regular

Jakarta Raya


  • To Enhance organization performance by developing improvements projects in all functions


  • S1/S2 (Fresh Graduated) from any dicipline with min GPA 3.00 Max Age S1-25 Max Age S2-26 Willing to be placed in branches all over Indonesia Competency Requirement

  • Fluent in English both written and oral Good communication and interpersonal skills Innovative Self-Motivated Good Analytical and Conceptual

Closing Date:18-02-13

Lowongan Kerja Chevron Indonesia Company Januari 2013

Lowongan Kerja - Chevron is a major partner in Indonesia's economy and an active member of the community. Through our wholly owned subsidiary PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, we are the largest producer of Indonesia's crude oil. We are searching for new oil and gas reserves from central Sumatra to offshore East Kalimantan. We have begun design work on our deepwater natural gas project off East Kalimantan through Chevron Indonesia Company Our geothermal operations in Indonesia help make Chevron the largest producer of geothermal energy in the world. Chevron sells lubricants in Indonesia through our subsidiary PT Chevron Oil Products Indonesia.

Lab Specialist (Ext-21/ES/RG/CHEVRON-IBU/P&T/2013)


  • D4/S1 in Chemical Engineering, Chemistry with GPA min 3.00

  • Have at least 3 years experience in Laboratory analysis, Laboratory Instrument and calibrations, sample handling, including sample chain custody and data applications

  • Knowledge or familiarity Laboratory analysis, Laboratory Instrument and calibrations, sample handling, including sample chain custody, analysis method and data applications

  • Familiarity with analysis method and data applications

  • Fluent in verbal and written communication, good presentation skill: English & Bahasa

  • Flexible and open minded

  • Able to demonstrate the highest standard of integrity and ethical conduct in all business dealings and to builds and maintains trust, respects, and supports others

  • Strive to earn the trust of colleagues and partner

  • Strong in seeking learning activities

  • Able to establish effective relationships with multicultural people in diverse organization

  • Has willingness to be relocated to Chevron operations locations (West Java, Riau or East Kalimantan)

IT Engineer For Business Application (Ext-24/IT/RG/CHEVRON-IBU/P&T/2013)


  • D4/S1 in Computer Engineering/Science, Informatics Engineering with GPA min 3.00

  • Have knowledge & experience in supporting business applications & information management

  • Have knowledge or familiarity with business processes, business analyst for business application & information management

  • Have skill on programming application

  • Good communication & presentation skills, fluent in verbal and written communication: English & Bahasa

  • Have a good team work skill, flexible and open minded

  • Able to demonstrate the highest standard of integrity and ethical conduct in all business dealings and to builds and maintains trust, respects, and supports others

  • Strive to earn the trust of colleagues and partner

  • Strong in seeking learning activities

  • Able to establish effective relationships with multicultural people in diverse organization

  • Has willingness to be relocated to Chevron operations locations (West Java, Riau or East Kalimantan)

IT Engineer For Technical Upstream (Ext-25/IT/RG/CHEVRON-IBU/P&T/2013)


  • D4/S1 in All Engineering, Physic, Math with GPA min 3.00

  • Have knowledge & experience in supporting technical applications, technical data management

  • Knowledge or familiarity with Upstream business processes, business analyst for technical application and data management

  • Have a good team work, flexible and open minded

  • Have skill on programming application

  • Good communication & presentation skills, fluent in verbal and written communication: English & Bahasa

  • Able to demonstrate the highest standard of integrity and ethical conduct in all business dealings and to builds and maintains trust, respects, and supports others

  • Strive to earn the trust of colleagues and partner

  • Strong in seeking learning activities

  • Able to establish effective relationships with multicultural people in diverse organization

  • Has willingness to be relocated to Chevron operations locations (West Java, Riau or East Kalimantan)

Business Analyst (Ext-58/SCM/RG/CHEVRON-IBU/SCM/2013)


  • D4/S1 in All Education Majors with GPA min 3.00

  • Have strong academic performance and career interest in Supply Chain Management

  • Possess leadership potential

  • Are open to learning and exploring a variety of Procurement/Supply Chain business areas and locations

  • Demonstrate analytical skills and business skills

  • Can innovate and look beyond standard practices

  • Exhibit excellent communication abilities

  • Value teamwork, diversity, and integrity

  • New graduates or graduates with up to 5 years relevant work experience

  • Fluent in verbal and written communication : English & Bahasa

  • Flexible and open minded

  • Able to demonstrate the highest standard of integrity and ethical conduct in all business dealings and to builds and maintains trust, respects, and supports others

  • Strive to earn the trust of colleagues and partner

  • Strong in seeking learning activities

  • Able to establish effective relationships with multicultural people in diverse organization

  • Have willingness to be relocated to Chevron operations locations (All area)

Buyer (Ext-60/SCM/RG/CHEVRON-IBU/SCM/2013)


  • D4/S1 in All Education Majors with GPA min 3.00

  • Have strong academic performance and career interest in Supply Chain Management

  • Possess leadership potential

  • Are open to learning and exploring a variety of Procurement/Supply Chain business areas and locations

  • Demonstrate analytical skills and business skills

  • Can innovate and look beyond standard practices

  • Exhibit excellent communication abilities

  • Value teamwork, diversity, and integrity

  • New graduates or graduates with up to 5 years relevant work experience

  • Fluent in verbal and written communication : English & Bahasa

  • Flexible and open minded

  • Able to demonstrate the highest standard of integrity and ethical conduct in all business dealings and to builds and maintains trust, respects, and supports others

  • Strive to earn the trust of colleagues and partner

  • Strong in seeking learning activities

  • Able to establish effective relationships with multicultural people in diverse organization

  • Have willingness to be relocated to Chevron operations locations (All area)

Category Specialist (Ext-61/SCM/RG/CHEVRON-IBU/SCM/2013)


  • D4/S1 in All Education Majors with GPA min 3.00

  • Have strong academic performance and career interest in Supply Chain Management

  • Possess leadership potential

  • Are open to learning and exploring a variety of Procurement/Supply Chain business areas and locations

  • Demonstrate analytical skills and business skills

  • Can innovate and look beyond standard practices

  • Exhibit excellent communication abilities

  • Value teamwork, diversity, and integrity

  • New graduates or graduates with up to 5 years relevant work experience

  • Fluent in verbal and written communication : English & Bahasa

  • Flexible and open minded

  • Able to demonstrate the highest standard of integrity and ethical conduct in all business dealings and to builds and maintains trust, respects, and supports others

  • Strive to earn the trust of colleagues and partner

  • Strong in seeking learning activities

  • Able to establish effective relationships with multicultural people in diverse organization

  • Have willingness to be relocated to Chevron operations locations (All area)

Planning Specialist (Ext-63/SCM/RG/CHEVRON-IBU/DRIL/2013)


  • D4/S1 in All Engineering with GPA min 3.00

  • Have a good knowledge in Drilling & Completions engineering and operations. Experience in developing, analyzing business plan, and preparing reports

  • Fluent in verbal and written communication: English & Bahasa

  • Flexible and open minded

  • Able to demonstrate the highest standard of integrity and ethical conduct in all business dealings and to builds and maintains trust, respects, and supports others

  • Strive to earn the trust of colleagues and partner

  • Strong in seeking learning activities

  • Able to establish effective relationships with multicultural people in diverse organization

  • Have willingness to be relocated to Chevron operations locations (West Java, Riau or East Kalimantan)

Security Analyst (Ext-45/SEC/RG/CHEVRON-IBU/SEC/2013)


  • D3 in All Engineering, Business Administration with GPA min 3.00

  • Minimum 3 years of relevant experience

  • Fluent in verbal and written communication: English & Bahasa

  • Flexible and open minded

  • Able to demonstrate the highest standard of integrity and ethical conduct in all business dealings and to builds and maintains trust, respects, and supports others

  • Strive to earn the trust of colleagues and partner

  • Strong in seeking learning activities

  • Able to establish effective relationships with multicultural people in diverse organization

  • Have willingness to be relocated to Chevron operations locations (West Java, Riau or East Kalimantan)

Lowongan Kerja PT Zurich Topas Life Februari 2013

Lowongan Kerja 2013 - Zurich Topas Life merupakan anak perusahaan dari Zurich Insurance Group (Zurich) yaitu penyedia jasa asuransi terkemuka yang memiliki jaringan global, Zurich didukung oleh lebih dari 60.000 karyawan yang melayani nasabah di lebih dari 170 negara. Berdiri sejak tahun 1872, group yang sebelumnya dikenal dengan Zurich Financial Services Group ini berkantor pusat di Zurich, Swiss.

Saat ini Zurich Topas Life melakukan kerjasama bancassurance dengan Bank Mayapada dan salah satu Bank BUMN terkemuka di Indonesia.

Wealth Management Advisor (Sumatera)

Aceh, Jambi, Batam (Kepulauan Riau), Tanjung Pinang (Kepulauan Riau)


  • Memberikan pelayanan dan solusi keuangan serta investasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan nasabah

  • Membina hubungan yang baik dengan staff bank, ikut terlibat dalam kegiatan harian cabang dan mendapatkan dukungan staff bank untuk mecapai target bisnis


  • Pendidikan minimal D3 (Segala Jurusan)

  • Usia 21 - 31 tahun

  • Lebih diutamakan memiliki pengalaman minimal 2 tahun dibidang pelayanan perbankan, promosi dan memberikan solusi keuangan nasabah

  • Penampilan menarik dan rapi

  • Proaktif dan berorientasi kepada pelayanan (service oriented)


  • Penghasilan tetap setiap bulan, bonus bulanan dan bonus quartalan yang sangat menarik

  • Potensi peningkatan karir

  • Kesempatan mendapatkan insentif perjalanan keluar negeri

  • Pelatihan bersertifikat dan berkelanjutan untuk mendapatkan potensi serta mendukung perkerjaan anda

Jika anda memenuhi kriteria yang kami cari, silakan kirimkan

lamaran lengkap beserta CV dan Pas photo terbaru melalui email

recruitment.banca@zurich.com dengan mencantumkan code daerah (WMA-Banda Aceh )atau PT. Zurich Topas Life Gd.

Permata Tower lt 5, kav 27, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, Jakarta


Closing Date:13-2-13

Lowongan Kerja Putera Sampoerna Foundation Februari 2013

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2013 - The Putera Sampoerna Foundation (PSF) is the first Social Business Institution in Indonesia with the vision to create eminent and responsible future leaders and entrepreneurs for Indonesia to face the challenges of global participation.

The Putera Sampoerna Foundation is the first non-profit organization to receive the ISO 9001:2008 certificate of quality management systems which are of international standard. Applying the principles of transparency and accountability in all its activities, the Putera Sampoerna Foundation has been trusted by more than 250 corporations, organizations and associations as a provider for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. The Putera Sampoerna Foundation is periodically audited by a third-party international auditor and its report is published in the Putera Sampoerna Foundation's annual report.

Currently Putera Sampoerna Foundation is looking for high motivated candidates to fulfill the following positions:

History Teacher

Jakarta Raya


  • Provide draft of annual program strategies/ action plan/ budget within Academic Department and submit to KTSP officers regarding History program.

  • Organize & implement the approved program strategies / action plan/ budget based on the coordination and direction from KTSP officers.

  • Produces and submit regular and other periodic report (monthly/semi-annual/annually) regarding all activities or issues within his/her area responsibility.

  • Develop, maintains and improve the relationship with relevant parties to support the achievement of the position’s targets.

  • Recommends improvement as based on the facts faced in the daily operations of the program to the management.

  • Performs other work-related duties and ad hoc projects as assigned by superiors.

  • Teaching History for grade 10, 11, and 12


  • Holds min S1 from majoring in history

  • Competent in teaching history

  • Possesses min 2 years work experience in the same position.

  • Possesses reasonable knowledge in using relevant office applications such as Microsoft words, excel, power point, etc.

  • Fluent in English (reading, writing, speaking)

  • Excellent communication and presentation skill.

  • Good analytical skill.

  • Good conceptual skill.

  • Good administrative skill.

For more information, visit: www.sampoernafoundation.org

Closing Date:21-02-13

Only short-listed candidates that meet the above qualifications will be notified.

Lowongan Kerja PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk Februari 2013

Loker Terbaru 2013 - We have been brewing a star quality beer since 1931. The principles of its success have remained the same: quality ingredients and a perfectly controlled brewing process.

To establish the sustainable and winning organization, the best people is our ingredient. Providing rich experiences, diverse individual development and wide opportunity to grow are the way we are benefited from our people.

Find your fit and join our League of Stars..

Corporate Communication Officer

Jakarta Raya


  • Planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating communication objectives and strategies

  • Developing communications materials and key messages

  • Mitigating and managing communication crisis

  • Managing media relations and develop press materials (press release development, story angles, media pitching)

  • Implementing and managing both internal and external communication programs

  • Identifying opportunities and activities to leverage and boost corporate image and reputation to both internal and external stakeholders


  • University graduates (S1) majoring in Communications, Journalism, or other related discipline

  • Minimum 2 years experience in corporate communication or communication consultant

  • High proficiency in English speaking and writing

  • Active team player, confident, creative, fully competence in planning and organizing, and interpersonal skills

For the selected candidate, we provide a very competitive remuneration in term of salary, compensation & benefit, and education & training.

Please use the Quick Apply below or send your CV to:


Visit our homepage www.multibintang.co.id

Closing Date:21-2-13

Lowongan Kerja PT Raja Kamar International (RKI Group) Februari 2013

Raja Kamar International (RKI) Group is the largest hotel distribution company for domestic hotels in Indonesia. By consortium with Indonesia’s leading travel organisations including Dwidaya, Panorama, and Smailing Tours, RKI Group concentrate on the hotel distribution business. We have direct access to over 1,800 hotels that will allow the combined RKI Group to work closely with hotels across the existing wholesale channel and bring hotel partners access to new customers.

In Indonesia, Raja Kamar International (RKI) is a holding company from Indonesia’s hotel distribution company like Mitra Global (MG) Holiday and RajaKamar.com (www.rajakamar.com). We are growing faster and focus on technology, finance, content and our people. In end of 2012, we expanded our business in Singapore, Byres and RoomDeal that will accomodate hotel distribution in international area.

Web Developer

Jakarta Raya - Harmoni - Jakarta Pusat


  • Develop and maintain company web


  • Bachelor's Degree, Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication)

  • Graduated from reputable university

  • Fresh graduated are welcome.

  • Applicants must be willing to work in Harmoni - Jakarta Pusat.

  • Familiar with MVC.NET 4.0, SQL Server, Javascript / JQuery, Css

If you meet the above criteria, please email your resume and photograph to :


Closing Date:14-02-13

Lowongan Kerja PT Cipta Krida Bahari Februari 2013

Loker Terbaru 2013 - We are an expanding regional logistics company with a strong commitment to innovation, technology and service excellence, which provide integrated logistics solutions including project logistics, air freight, sea freight, land freight, custom clearance, warehousing, and distribution management.

With more than 33 network coverage all over Indonesia and qualified personnel, CKB Logistics goes the extra miles to support customer growth. We committed to quality and safety of our business process that proved by ISO 9001:2000 and OHSAS 18001:2007 Certification.

As part of our growth strategy, we are looking for high caliber and talented individuals to join and grow with us as follows:

Procurement Coordinator

Jakarta Raya - Cilandak


  • Setup vendor database and update vendor list in line with company's procurement policy.

  • Perform vendor sourcing, selection, negotiations and regular vendor audit and/or visits to ensure compliance of Quality, Occupational Health Safety and Environment standard.

  • Review and negotiate contracts with vendors to achieve competitive rates and term/ conditions

  • Gather market intelligence and develop competitive strategies

  • Prepare and submit competitive and quality Request of Quotations and Request for Proposal for operations needs.


  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering (Industrial), Economics from Reputable University

  • At least 3 year(s) of working experience in Logistics Industry

  • Preferably Coordinators

  • Having good communication, leadership and planning interpersonal skill.

  • Having strong analytical skills applied to financial and fiscal data.

  • Having strong and effective communication skills in English both verbal ang written.

  • 1 Full-Time position(s) available.

Closing Date:17-2-13

Lowongan Kerja PT Cyberworld Network Indonesia Februari 2013

PT Cyberworld Network Indonesia , Berdiri sejak th 2008, PT Cyberworld Network Indonesia (CNI), merupakan PMA hasil patungan dari Cyber World Network, Pte, Ltd (60%), dan investor lokal (40%) untuk menyediakan jaringan tempat layanan bisnis dan pusat cybertainment di mancanegara.Sukses gerai pertama BizXPress Business Center & BizCafe (I-Cafe) pada penghujung tahun 2009 lalu, telah mendapat sambutan positif dari kalangan masyarakat luas, khususnya para pelaku bisnis yang memfasilitasi kebutuhan bisnis mereka yang makin beraneka ragam,lengkap, efektif, efisien, namun tetap terjangkau, kami membutuhkan profesional muda untuk mengisi posisi di bawah ini :

Driver (DRV)

Jakarta Raya


  • Pria, max. 35 tahun

  • Min. SMU/ sederajat

  • Memiliki SIM A

  • Dapat menggunakan Mobil Metic dan Manual

  • Diutamakan pengalaman Driver min. 2 th

  • Bersedia tugas luar kota

  • Menguasai jalanan wilayah JABODATABEK

  • Bersedia bekerja lembur

  • Mampu mengemudikan kendaraan roda dua

  • Lebih diutamakan tidak merokok

  • Jujur, pekerja keras, bertanggung jawab dan dapat memegang kerahasiaan

Kirimkan Surat Lamaran, CV, Copy Ijazah Terakhir, Berikut Pas Foto Terbaru Serta Mencantumkan Kode Lamaran (DRV) Pada Subject Ke alamat Email :

PT.Cyberworld Network Indonesia

Jl.Cideng Timur No. 61

Kel. Petojo Selatan

Kec. Gambir, Jakarta Pusat 10160

Office : +62213890 8888

Atau Kirim Lamaran dan Cantumkan Kode Lamaran (DRV) Pada Subject Ke alamat email : hrd.cyberworld.pusat@gmail.com

Closing Date:21-02-13

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Royal Indonesia Februari 2013

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2013 PT Bank Royal Indonesia - ROYAL BANK adalah Bank Swasta Nasional non devisa, yang telah beroperasi lebih dari 20 tahun. Sejalan dengan perkembangan bisnis, kami membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga professional untuk jabatan sebagai berikut :


Jakarta Raya


  • Pria/Wanita, usia max. 25 tahun

  • Pendidikan minimal S1 semua jurusan

  • Penampilan menarik

Kriteria Umum:

  • Memiliki keterampilan dalam berkomunikasi secara oral maupun tertulis dengan baik

  • Jujur, teliti dan dapat bekerjasama dalam tim

  • Bersedia bekerja keras, memiliki inisiatif, dan berintegritas yang tinggi

Bagi Pelamar yang berminat harap melampirkan :

Surat Lamaran, CV, Copy Ijasah, Transkrip Nilai, Pas Foto 4x6 berwarna terbaru

Divisi SDM PT. Bank Royal Indonesia

Jl. Suryopranoto no. 52 Jakarta Pusat 10130

atau melalui e-mail : hrdroyalbank@gmail.com

Closing Date:20-02-13

Lowongan Kerja PT Inter Aneka Lestari Kimia Februari 2013

Lowongan Kerja 2013 - PT. Inter Aneka Lestari Kimia (IALK), a well established manufacturing company in Building Chemical Industry, have been proven as an important player in its industry countrywide. The achievement of BEST BRAND and the ISO 9001 certification in the year 2000, the implementation of 5R, and also OSHAS 18001 certification, signifies the company's commitment to the quality management system and the care for the health and safety of our stakeholders.

PT. IALK now opening position for qualified candidate to join our team as:

Project Engineer (Architecture / Civil Engineer)

Banten - Daan Mogot


  • Developing knowledge about building chemical material

  • Assisting promotional event / exihibition.

  • Doing trial application experiments and reporting the experiment result.

  • Handling customer complain related to the product (including visiting customer to gather data to find solutions)


  • Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Bachelor's Degree from Architecture / Engineering (Civil)

  • Able to operate Auto CAD 2D/3D, Microsoft Project Planner, Microsoft Office.

  • Having knowledge in Project Management & Quality Control Management

  • Posses driving license (SIM A / C).

  • Able to work independently as well as a good team member.

  • At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.

  • Full-Time positions available.

Closing Date:10-2-13

Lowongan Kerja PT Pelayaran Tempuran Emas Tbk (Temas Group) Februari 2013

Lowongan Kerja 2013 - Temas Line is among the first Indonesian shipping line to offer containerized cargo service. Initiated its operational activities with chartered vessel, Temas Line then expanded to become a market leader in the domestic, fully-containerized shipping industry, supported by a modern fleet and cargo loading and discharging facilities, with more than 20 fleet of vessels, and container supply more than 25.160 Teus. The Company also provides support in cargo loading and discharging activities in Jakarta port to ensure fast and efficient container transportation and has one of the most complete lines of heavy equipments to deliver fast and reliable services.

Training Staff

Jakarta Raya - Tanjung Priok


  • Have at least 1 year experience in training administration

  • Possess deep knowledge in training and development program will be an advantage

  • Detail oriented and good computer literate

If you meet the above-mentioned qualifications, please send your CV (max 150 kb), a recent photograph, and supporting documents (please quote the position code on the subject) within two weeks from the date of advertisement to:


Tanjung Priok - Jakarta Utara 14310

Email : hrd@temasline.com

website : http://www.temasline.com

Closing Date:6-2-13

Lowongan Kerja PT Galenium Pharmasia Laboratories Februari 2013

PT Galenium Pharmasia Laboratories , We are a leading national Pharmaceutical Company moving towards a World Class Company which has maintained a competitive market position in the Ethical, OTC and Personal Skincare products. To accelerate our plan to grow, we invite you, high achiever candidates, to share the coming success with us by filling in the following position:

Recruitment Officer

Jakarta Raya


  • Recruitment

  • Selection

  • Conduct psychological testing & scoring

  • Interview candidates


  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Psychology or equivalent.

  • Required skill(s): recruitment and selection, interview skill, Psychological Exams Administration.

  • At least 1 year(s) of working experience as Recruiment Staff in Consumer Goods/Pharmaceutical Company

  • Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Human Resources or equivalent.

  • Able to conduct psychological test

  • Have good networking (school, university, etc)

If You are willing to step up the challenge, write the position code and send your resume together with recent photograph within 2 weeks after advertisement to:



PT. Galenium Pharmasia Laboratories

Jl. Aditiawarman No. 67, Kebayoran Baru

Jakarta Selatan 12160

Short listed candidates will be notified

Lowongan Kerja PT Indonesia AirAsia Februari 2013

PT Indonesia AirAsia , As the world best low-cost airlines, its no surprice we’re growing rapidly everyday, from on grpund troops to in-flight crew and we might need extra hand – and other useful body part – to be part of Airasia Allstars in the exciting and fast paced world of Aviation. We looking for someone with willingness, ownership and winning attitude to complete our team as :

Marketing Executive For In Flight Service Department

Jakarta Raya


  • Implement marketing activities (planning, coordinating, promotions)

  • Coordinate with relevant depts like Revenue, Communications, Web, IT, Ancillary Income to ensure all pertinent information are correct and accurate

  • Consolidate monthly budget spent for finance

  • Brief and follow-up with supplier and ensure marketing plans and creative materials are planned accurately according to brief and delivered on time

  • Build relationship with suppliers and assess proposals

  • Monitor/do competitive market update/report

  • Assist manager to implement market research/updates


  • Possess personal traits: friendly, mature, humble, honest, meticulous; self-starter; able to perform under pressure in a challenging environment

  • Ability to maintain high confidentiality, tactful and discretion when dealing with people

  • Possess a recognized at least a diploma in Marketing or Bachelor’s Degree in Business studies/Marketing/Administration.

  • At least 1-2 yearsworking experience in the marketing, preferably in FMCG or any industry. Fresh graduate will be considered.

  • Possess good interpersonal and communication skills to collaborate effectively with internal and external customers

  • Excellent computer skills and proficient in excel, word, outlook, and access

  • High comfort level working in a diverse environment

  • Ability to make administrative/procedural decisions and judgments

  • Proficient in oral and written English and Bahasa Indonesia

  • Able to travel as when it is required

Closing Date:09-02-13

Lowongan Kerja PT Mott MacDonald Indonesia Februari 2013

Loker 2013 - PT Mott MacDonald Indonesia is part of Mott MacDonald Group, US$1.5 billion turnover business spans 120 countries with 14,000 staff working in all sectors from transport, energy, buildings, water and the environment to health and education, industry and communications.

Due to an expanding national and regional energy workload, we would like to invite you to be part of our dynamic company to fill in the following position:

Senior Drainage Engineer

Jakarta Raya


  • Assist to plan, organize, monitor and co-ordinate Drainage and Services design activities

  • Should capable of reviewing analysis of catchment areas, hydrology, sizing of drainage requirements, drainage diversions, river diversion works

  • Identifying and designing utilities to be shifted including the high tensioned pylons

  • Ensure all data are carried out in accordance with the standards.


  • Min. S1 Civil Engineer.

  • Male/ Female with minimum 10 years experience

  • Computer literate, MS Project, etc.

  • Good in design/ drawing ( Auto Cad, Tekla, will be an advantage ).

  • Have a good skill in presentation and communication, Exellent in English.

  • The ability to work independently or in a team environment on challenging assignment

  • Responsible to support the team, provide technical advice and support to customer.

  • Handling product knowledge & problem solving for engineering matter.

Please send your CV to:


For further information about PT. Mott MacDonald Indonesia you can log on to


Closing Date:16-02-13

Lowongan Kerja PT Daya Adicipta Mustika Februari 2013

Loker 2013 - PT. Daya Adicipta Mustika, authorized main dealer of Honda Motorcycle and Honda Genuine Parts for West Java area, due to its rapid growth, is now looking for high-caliber candidates to fulfill challenging position:

Staff Gudang ( Job Code: SG – JS)

Jawa Barat - Bandung, Karawang & Cirebon


  • Pendidikan min. SMU/SMK/Sederajat

  • Usia maks. 28 Tahun

  • Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Office

  • Jujur, motivasi tinggi dan memiliki kemauan untuk belajar

  • Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Sentra Distribusi (Bandung, Karawang & Cirebon)

Send your latest application letter, comprehensive CV, and photograph to:







(Please put the job code at your E-mail Subject or at the upper-right corner of the envelope.

Closing Date:14-2-13

Lowongan Kerja PT Senayan Trikarya Sempana Februari 2013

Lowongan Kerja 2013 PT Senayan Trikarya Sempana - We are PT. Senayan Trikarya Sempana, a joint venture company of Kajima Overseas Asia PTE. LTD and Badan Pengelola Gelora Bung Karno, developer and operator of Senayan Square in Jakarta, comprising Plaza Senayan, Plaza Senayan Arcadia, Sentral Senayan I, II & III office towers and Apartemen Plaza Senayan. A 5 star hotel is now under construction.

STS seeks applications from suitably qualified persons to join its international management team in the following capacities:

M/E Engineer (MEE / DCM)

Jakarta Raya


  • Male

  • Age between 28-35 years old

  • S1 graduate in Mechanical or Electrical (Mechanical is preferable)

  • Having experiences minimum 3 years in high rise building design, coordinating and working drawing review for high rise building with background from M/E consultant or developer

  • Skill : AutoCAD is a must; Others : Corel draw, Photoshop

  • Good in English (spoken and written)

  • Hard-worker, loyal, honest, self-motivated and good team work

Applicants should submit their application letters with resume, references and recent photograph to :


Mark the appropriate position at the top left side of the envelope or as the subject of your e-mail


Closing Date:17-02-13

Lowongan Kerja ASUS Technology Pte. Ltd Februari 2013

ASUS Technology Pte. Ltd , ASUS is the worldwide top 3 consumer notebook brandaccording to the IDC Q4 2011 report.

And in Q3 2011, ASUS has become Top 2 Notebook sales rate in Indonesia, according to the IDC Q3 2011 report.

In order to expanding ASUS Sales and Marketing organization in Indonesia, we currently seeking for enthusiastic, aggressive and career-minded professionals to join ASUS.

ASUS is the fastest-growing notebook brand in the world (According to IDC Q4 2011 report).

According to IDC Q4 2011 report, ASUS notebooks are climbing the worldwide sales charts at an unprecedented pace and sales outstripping those of companies who once dominated this market.

The top 1 consumer notebook brand in Central & Eastern Europe.

The top 2 consumer notebook brand in South East Asia.

The top 2 consumer notebook brand in China.

The top 3 consumer notebook brand in Western Europe.

This rapid expansion is set to continue as ASUS drives forward with industry-leading products that will further extend its market reach and impact.

ASUS is the Most Reliable Notebook Brand in the World

Quality and reliability are hallmarks of what makes ASUS notebooks the choice of discerning consumers around the world. Each notebook is subjected a series of stringent and extreme tests to ensure that they continue to deliver the best performance even under extreme conditions. In an independent Computer Reliability Report conducted by RESCUECOM Industry- leading computer repair experts in the United States - ASUS was ranked 1st amongst the competition, with a score of 1791 a record-breaking 1105 points ahead of its nearest competitor.

ASUS is a global technology leader in the digital era.

We focus on the mastery of technological innovation and design perfection. We’re very critical of our own work when it comes to only delivering consumers our very best.

ASUS - 20 Years of Excellence

Established in 1989, ASUS is a leading information technology company in the new digital era with revenue of US$10.1 billion in 2010. With a global staff of more than 10,000 people and a world class R&D design team of 3000 engineers.

ASUS is the top 10 Information Technology company in the world

ASUS is the top 10 information technology company in the world rated by Business Week USA (The No.1 business magazine in USA) in 2008 and has appeared in the prestigious listing for 12 consecutive years.

ASUS is the No. 1 motherboard brand in the world

ASUS has shipped out 420,000,000 motherboards since 1989.

One in every 3 PCs sold worldwide in 2010 were with ASUS motherboards inside.

ASUS is No.1 in Quality & Service

ASUS strives for perfection in all of its products and consistently wins awards for quality and innovation, reflected in our No. 1 rank for product quality and services by the Wall Street Journal Asia.

ASUS receives 3886 awards in 2011

The 3398 awards are recommended by prestige technology organizations and IT journalists worldwide for ASUS leading innovations.

ASUS Green technology

ASUS is committed to innovating for industry-leading greener technology, including the world’s first EU Flower Eco Certification for computers, and the world’s first EuP Certification for portable notebooks.

Channel Sales - Aceh



  • Developing new dealers and maintaining existing dealer base by increasing sell-out quantity in assigned territory.

  • Building high value dealer relationship by providing training and value information in assigned territory.

  • Handling dealer requests, enquiries, meeting, complaints, and all sorts of samples in assigned territory.

  • Implementing dealer sales promotion program in assigned territory.

  • Surveying price, promotion and channel map of Information Technology industries in assigned territory.


  • Candidate must posses at least a Bachelor Degree in any Information Technology related study from reputable university.

  • Minimum GPA of 3.0 out of 4.

  • Age 25 - 35years old

  • Minimum 3 years of work experience in related field is required.

  • Highly sales driven, independent, and energic.

  • Able to work under pressure.

  • Chinese language will be an advantage.

  • Living in Aceh is preferable.

Closing Date:6-2-13

Lowongan Kerja PT Mazars Indonesia Januari 2013

PT Mazars Indonesia is a member of PT Mazars, an international, integrated and independent organization, specializing in audit, accounting, tax, legal and advisory services. We have offices in 69 countries, across five continents, with nearly 13,000 professionals. We have grown to be one of the top audit, outsourcing, tax, legal and advisory services providers in Indonesia. In response to our continuing rapid growth, we are looking for alumni FEB UGM to join us as:

Assistant Manager of External Audit (AM)


  • Prepare independently report from assignments.

  • Master skills in building long-term relationships with clients.

  • Delegate works to subordinates and control their outputs.

  • Manage technically subordinates and take responsibility of their training.

  • Involve in the life of the audit department (recruitment, training, professional practices).

  • Take responsibility of part of business development (potential clients).


Professional Abilities:

  • Alumni FEB UGM complete 4 year studies in economics, with expected GPA of 3.00

  • Professional qualifications: Certified accountant (Ak), start CPA certification, years of experience in KAP: at least 5 years.

  • Knowledge of English language (active knowledge in speech and writing).

  • Excellent knowledge of Indonesian accounting and auditing standards.

  • Good knowledge of IFRS & IAS.

  • Good orientation in tax issues and legal contexts.

  • Advanced knowledge of MS Office.

  • Excellent knowledge of audit techniques (active use on a good level).

  • 2 positions available for Assistant Manager and Senior Auditor in Audit Dept.(External Audit).

Please send your application with update CV and other relevant information to PT Mazars Bali, HR Department, IKAT Plaza Building 3rd Floor, Jl. Bypass Ngurah Rai 505, Pemogan, Denpasar 87221 or send via email to contact-bali@mazars.co.id or lucia.adrianti@mazars.co.id

Lowongan Kerja PT Danareksa (Persero) Februari 2013

PT Danareksa (Persero) , Sebagai pelopor Pasar Modal di Indonesia, serta tradisi penerima penghargaan lokal dan internasional atas prestasinya, Danareksa didukung oleh tenaga-tenaga kerja support yang kompeten. Oleh karena itu kami mengajak tenaga-tenaga muda dan unggul yang siap berkarir di industri Pasar Modal sebagai:

Human Resources Officer

(Kode : HR-2013)

Jakarta Raya


  • Berusia Maksimal 28 tahun

  • Pendidikan minimal S1 jurusan Psikologi lebih diutamakan

  • Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun dibidang Rekrutmen

  • Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dan berbahasa Inggris

  • Berorientasi pada pelayanan pelanggan

IT Developer

(Kode : IT DEV-2013)

Jakarta Raya


  • Berusia maksimal 30 tahun

  • Pendidikan minimal S1, diutamakan jurusan Ilmu Komputer/Teknik Informatika

  • Menguasai bahasa pemograman VB, Visual FoxPro, ASP.Net, VB.Net (lebih disukai yang menguasai Java)

  • Menguasai database programming dan SQL Language

  • Menguasai database Microsoft SQL dan Oracle (lebih disukai menguasai keduanya)

  • Mempunyai pengalaman kerja sebagai programmer selama 2 tahun

Jika Anda memiliki kualifikasi di atas, silakan mengirimkan lamaran dan curriculum vitae berikut pas foto berwarna terbaru, ke alamat email recruitment@danareksa.com, dengan subject email “HR-2013”sebelum tanggal 21 Januari 2013.

Anda dapat juga mengirimkan lamaran per pos ke alamat berikut dengan menuliskan kode lowongan seperti di atas pada area kanan atas amplop.

Human Resources Division

PT. Danareksa (Persero)

Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 14

Jakarta 10110


Hanya kandidat memenuhi syarat yang akan dihubungi.


Informasi Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2013